Our commitment

Plexal (City) Limited is signed up to the Prompt Payment Code.

Prompt Payment Code

We undertake to:

1. Pay Suppliers and Subcontractors on time

  • where the invoice is within the agreed terms of the contractual framework and agreements
  • where there is a valid and undisputed invoice

2. To provide clear instructions and support

  • on terms and conditions, the procurement processes and payment procedures
  • clear instructions for handling payment disputes
  • provide information and feedback on incorrect invoices immediately to avoid unnecessary payment delays

3. Standard payment terms

  • Our standard payment terms are 30 days

4. Invoices

  • to facilitate prompt payment invoices must at a minimum:
    • be addressed to Plexal (City) Limited
    • include a correct Plexal purchase order number
    • have a clear description of services or products being invoiced
    • provide banking details (account name, account number and sort code)
    • if VAT is payable, the supplier VAT registration number
    • correct total and subtotals with the VAT amount clearly identified

5. Payment methods

  • we have two payment runs per month
  • payments are made via BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System)

6. Payment disputes

We endeavour to advise suppliers promptly of any disputes or reasons why an invoice will not be paid in accordance with agreed terms. Invoices that are subject to dispute will not be paid until resolution of the dispute.  Once resolved, payment will be made in accordance with the terms of this policy and the Code.

7. Complaints

Complaints in relation to the processing of payments and/or invoices should be emailed to accounts@plexal.com, and the relevant supplier reference number and order number should be quoted.

Contact details

E: accounts@plexal.com

The Prompt Payment Code (PPC) is a voluntary code of practice for businesses, administered by the Office of the Small Business Commissioner (OSBC) on behalf of Department for Business and Trade (DBT).