Supply Chain Security Challenge



About the challenge

The number of suppliers used by public and private sector organisations has risen dramatically in recent years, making supplier risk management an increasingly complex challenge, which is why Plexal is seeking innovators with supply chain security solutions.

The challenge stems from the fact that each organisation, department and team are likely to have different approaches, processes and infrastructure for assuring the resilience of their activities and their own supply chains. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the security posture of suppliers to reduce cyber risk and enhance business operational resilience.  

We’re looking for providers with capabilities to improve supply chain visibility and help organisations to understand the cyber risk associated with their third-party, fourth-party and common suppliers. 

 Your capabilities may draw upon:

(1) Third-party risk management
(2) Risk exchange
(3) Third-party asset mapping
(4) Real-time threat intelligence
(5) Other systems, approaches, tools and techniques directly related or adjacent to this space 

Do you have capability in this space?

Are you looking for an opportunity to trial your capability through a paid proof of concept?

If so, please register interest with the Plexal team at by Friday 23rd February 2024 for more information on the challenge.