Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Startups


Commercial licensing, permits and registration procedures

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has undertaken a major initiative to make it easy to license business activities. Licensing is a contract between the government and an establishment. The aim of licensing is to:

  • Limit certain activities
  • Restrict certain activities
  • Establish standards of performance and monitoring compliance

There are two types of licenses: Auto and procedural licenses, including integrated restricted business activities and non-integrated restricted business activities.

Nine public interest domains are considered for licensing:

  1. National security
  2. Public policy
  3. Public safety
  4. Environmental safety
  5. Animal welfare
  6. Public order
  7. Protection of recipients of services
  8. Protection of creditors
  9. Education and culture policy

License Types

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Registration and simulator

The e-government portal allows you to simulate licensing requirements from the Invest Easy Portal. Once you know what is required, you can apply for licensing on the new commercial registration portal.