Have you ever been curious about chiropractors or thinking of a visit, now’s your chance!
We are excited to announce that The Chiro Collective and nearby Hackney Chiropractic’s clinic will be onsite on to offer some education on the spine & nervous system as well as free spinal analysis assessments.
- 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM – Chiropractor Spine & Nervous System Health Talk focusing on stress and the nervous system, spine, posture & some general education around Chiropractic services.
- 10:40 AM – 2:00 PM – You are invited to book yourself a 5-minute spinal analysis assessment where they will analyse top to toe posture along with alignments at key points of the body using a spinal analysis machine.
To book yourself in for your assessment, click here and select a timeslot. There are limited spaces available.
Have you experienced any of the following? They may be able to assist:
- Headaches/Migraine
- Stiff/Painful Neck
- You Don’t Feel Well
- Back pain
- Recurring Injuries
- Wrist/Arm Pain
- Slouching
- Pins & Needles
- Forward Head Carriage
- Repetitive Bending/Lifting
- One Shoulder Lower Than the Other
- Shoes Wear Out Unevenly
- Sedentary Lifestyle
50% discount Voucher Offer available to all participants on the day – save £45 on a £90 appointment (linked here)